_:b6323238 . _:b6323239 . _:b6323237 "(uncountable, chiefly, transport, legal) An excess of weight."@en . _:b6323239 "It is clear that a bird would certainly be grounded by overweight if it retained eggs in the body and discharged them in large numbers at one time, like a turtle[.]"@en . _:b6323238 "1976, Acts of the Legislature, volume 1, Louisiana, page 445:"@en . . _:b6323237 . _:b6323239 "1985, J.D. McDonald, Australian Birds: A Popular Guide to Bird Life, Sydney: Reed Books, page 66:"@en . _:b6323238 "[\u2026] and shall pay not only the amount of the permit fee for overlength, overheight, overwidth or overweight as might be due, but an additional civil penalty of fifty dollars for the first offense, one hundred dollars for the second offense and one hundred fifty dollars for each additional offense; [\u2026]"@en . "1" .