_:vb7136867 "1977, Claude Hall, Barbara Hall, This business of radio programming:"@en . _:vb7136869 "But then something happens on I Want You (She's So Heavy), two minutes into the song's intense outro, when a cloud of white noise comes in, [\u2026]"@en . _:vb7136869 "2009, 24 September, Jude Rogers in The Guardian, The trouble with remastered records"@en . _:vb7136867 . _:vb7136868 . _:vb7136869 . _:vb7136868 "1992, Bruce Bartlett, Jenny Bartlett, Practical recording techniques:"@en . _:vb7136868 "Find the spot in the script where you want the outro to start fading up."@en . _:vb7136867 "[\u2026] talking over the intro of a record and off the outro, weaving back and forth between two records spinning [\u2026]"@en . _:vb7136866 . "1" . _:vb7136866 "(music, informal) A portion of music at the end of a song; like an intro, but at the end instead of the beginning."@en . .