. _:vb8389017 "LESSON 3: Know your North Star Metric, Magic Moment and Core Product Value. [\u2026] Facebook ushered in the modern era of growth marketing when it inaugurated a team responsible for determining the company's North Star Metric, Magic Moment and Core Product Value, monitoring them more closely and working them harder than anyone else and not being afraid of complex approaches to keep growth humming."@en . _:vb8389016 "2002, Ulrike Max, Emotional Branding: Playing with the Senses, A Conceptual Approach, page 101:"@en . _:vb8389016 "The \"magic moment\": When Emotional Branding is used either aiming at the single sense or in combination, \"a point in time - or 'magic moment' - is needed to ignite the emotional bond between brand and customer."@en . _:vb8389015 . _:vb8389018 "Magic moment: Represents a customer's first experience, or the \u201Caha moment,\u201D where they understand the value of your product. Just as every product's NSM is different, the magic moment will similarly be different\u2014making connections in a social product, accessing a dashboard for a productivity tool, or comparing ticket prices on an airline aggregator, for example."@en . "1" . _:vb8389017 "2017, Mike Hoefflinger, Becoming Facebook [\u2026], AMACOM, \u2192ISBN, page 37:"@en . _:vb8389015 "(business, marketing) The initial experience of a customer in evaluating a product, in which its value or worth is appreciated."@en . _:vb8389016 . _:vb8389017 . _:vb8389018 . _:vb8389018 "2020, Anuj Adhiya, Growth Hacking For Dummies\u200Ehttps://books.google.com/books?id=ey7fDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT131&dq=%22magic+moment%22+customer&hl=&cd=7&source=gbs_api#v=onepage&q=%22magic%20moment%22%20customer&f=false, John Wiley & Sons, \u2192ISBN:"@en .