_:vb7203729 "[Bruce] Gilden may be shoving these broken faces in our faces to confront us with what we usually choose to look away from. But his style seems to work against any intention to humanise his subjects. First and foremost, I feel uncomfortable as a viewer\u00A0\u2013 not because of the poverty or abuse etched on to the landscapes of these faces, but because their perceived ugliness is paraded as a kind of latter-day freak show."@en . _:vb7203730 "There was something distinctly low-key, even wilfully alienating about the band\u2019s [Radiohead\u2019s] performance. A scattering of OK Computer tracks were interspersed with more abstract latterday material\u00A0\u2013 the clatter of 15 Step and Myxamatosis.[sic\u00A0\u2013 meaning Myxomatosis]"@en . _:vb7203728 "Robert Rossen's short career included two outstanding Films Noirs: Body and Soul (1947) and the latter-day The Hustler (1961)."@en . _:vb7203729 "2015 August 19, Sean O'Hagan, \u201CA latter-day freak show? Bruce Gilden\u2019s extreme portraits are relentlessly cruel\u201D, in The Guardian\u200E[1], London, archived from the original on 15 October 2017:"@en . . _:vb7203727 "1963, Margery Allingham, \u201CThe Boy in the Corner\u201D, in The China Governess: A Mystery, London: Chatto & Windus, \u2192OCLC, page 214:"@en . _:vb7203726 "A trait of latter-day steam power on Canadian Pacific was the recessed headlight, illustrated on the engine of Extra 2380 East running between Swift Current and Moose Jaw, Sask., in December 1956."@en . _:vb7203723 "Enquirer: Sir, I understand you are a member of the Church called Latter-Day Saints. Why is the Church called by that name? / Saint: The term Saint is as old as Adam, and has been in use in all ages and dispensations as a sacred name applied to the people of God by inspiration, but more especially applied by the sacred writers to the people of God in the last days. [\u2026] [W]e consider that the people of God should be distinguished by no other name but that of Saints, the term Latter-Day being appended as merely expressive of the age or dispensation in which we live."@en . _:vb7203728 "1981, James Monaco, \u201CThe Shape of Film History\u201D, in How to Read a Film: The Art, Technology, Language, History, and Theory of Film and Media, revised edition, New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, \u2192ISBN, page 254:"@en . _:vb7203728 . _:vb7203729 . _:vb7203730 . _:vb7203726 "1959, David P. Morgan, editor, Steam's Finest Hour, Kalmbach Publishing Co., page 114 (photo caption):"@en . _:vb7203731 . _:vb7203723 "1842 January, \u201CDialogue between a Saint and an Enquirer after Truth\u201D, in P[arley] P[arker] Pratt, editor, The Latter-day Saints\u2019 Millennial Star, volume II, number 9, Manchester: Printed by W. Shackleton & Son; edited and published by Parley P. Pratt,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, page 129:"@en . _:vb7203731 "2018 December 19, Tiffany May, \u201CChinese City Bans Christmas Displays Amid Religious Crackdown\u201D, in The Washington Post\u200E[1], \u2192ISSN, \u2192OCLC, archived from the original on December 19, 2018, Asia Pacific\u200E[2]:"@en . "1" . _:vb7203727 "The face which emerged was not reassuring. [\u2026] He was not a mongol but there was a deficiency of a sort there, and it was not made more pretty by a latter-day hair cut which involved eccentrically long elf-locks and oiled black curls."@en . _:vb7203724 "1922 April, C. J. Vine, \u201CWookey Hole: Britain\u2019s remarkable prehistoric remains\u201D, in The Boy\u2019s Own Paper, volume XLV, part 6, London: \"Boy's Own Paper\" Office,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, page 419, column 2:"@en . _:vb7203731 "This is not the first time a city in China has clamped down on Christmas merriment. Last December, Hengyang, a city in Hunan province, issued a stern notice asking Communist Party officials and their relatives to \u201Cresist the rampant Western festival.\u201D The China Communist Youth League in Anhui wrote on social media last year that \u201CChristmas is China\u2019s day of shame\u201D and represents a latter-day invasion by the West."@en . _:vb7203725 "On the other hand, the self-cleaning smokebox belongs to the latter-day period of the L.M.S.R., when the visiting U.S.A. 2-8-0s of the war had awakened an interest in such things."@en . _:vb7203724 "As before mentioned, the pottery makers were comparatively late arrivals\u2014it is conjectured these crossed in canoes from the continent in the Neolithic Age. These latter-day visitors were followed by the invaders of the Bronze Age, and all found their way, in due time, to the Wookey Hole (or holes), for many bronze implements and ornaments were found."@en . _:vb7203722 . _:vb7203723 . _:vb7203722 "He thinks of himself as a latter-day knight errant, out on a quest fighting dragons. It\u2019s not very practical, but it is romantic."@en . _:vb7203724 . _:vb7203730 "2017 June 26, Alexis Petridis, \u201CGlastonbury 2017 verdict: Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Lorde, Stormzy and more\u201D, in The Guardian\u200E[1], London, archived from the original on 12 March 2018:"@en . _:vb7203725 . _:vb7203721 "Modern, recent."@en . _:vb7203726 . _:vb7203727 . _:vb7203721 . _:vb7203725 "1951 April, Stirling Everard, \u201CA Matter of Pedigree\u201D, in Railway Magazine, number 600, page 273:"@en .