_:vb7055707 . _:vb7055701 . _:vb7055704 . . _:vb7055705 . . . _:vb7055707 "1926, Hope Mirrlees, chapter 20, in Lud-in-the-Mist, London: Millenium, published 2000, page 193:"@en . _:vb7055703 "Intermittent bugs are most difficult to reproduce."@en . _:vb7055701 "Stopping and starting, occurring, or presenting at intervals; coming after a particular time span."@en . . _:vb7055708 "2015, John Irving, chapter 18, in Avenue of Mysteries\u200Ehttps://books.google.ca/books?id=MOtEDAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false, New York: Simon and Schuster, page 238:"@en . . _:vb7055706 "[\u2026] Pale through night\u2019s curtain gleam\u2019dBy fits the lunar intermittent ray,That quiv\u2019ring serv\u2019d to light his lonely steps"@en . _:vb7055705 "[\u2026] the Gift of Prophecy [\u2026] was in the mind not as an Inhabitant, but as a Guest; that is, by intermittent Returns and Ecstasies, by Occasional Raptures and Revelations; as is clear from what we read of the Prophets in the Old Testament."@en . . _:vb7055705 "1698, Robert South, Twelve Sermons upon Several Subjects and Occasions\u200E[1], volume 3, London: Thomas Bennet, page 511:"@en . _:vb7055702 . _:vb7055704 "1564, Philip Moore, chapter 13, in The Hope of Health\u200E[1], London:"@en . "1" . _:vb7055703 . _:vb7055706 "1792, Richard Cumberland, Calvary: or The Death of Christ\u200E[1], London: C. Dilly, Book 5, lines 364-366, p. 164:"@en . _:vb7055708 "[\u2026] three scruffy-looking young men with intermittent facial hair and starvation-symptom physiques."@en . . _:vb7055704 "Also bloudletting is good in feuers, whether they be continual or intermittent [\u2026]"@en . _:vb7055707 "[\u2026] by degrees the talk became as flickering and intermittent as the light of the dying fire, which they were too idle to feed with sticks [\u2026]"@en . . _:vb7055708 . _:vb7055702 "The day was cloudy with intermittent rain."@en . _:vb7055706 .