_:b6549504 "Try to imagine a pink elephant."@en . "1" . _:b6549505 "c. 1595\u20131596 (date written), William Shakespeare, \u201CA Midsommer Nights Dreame\u201D, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies (First Folio), London: [\u2026] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, \u2192OCLC, [Act V, scene i], page 159, column 2:"@en . _:b6549506 "2013 June 14, Jonathan Freedland, \u201CObama's once hip brand is now tainted\u201D, in The Guardian Weekly, volume 189, number 1, page 18:"@en . _:b6549506 . _:b6549504 . _:b6549505 . _:b6549505 "Or in the night, imagining \u017Fome feare, / How ea\u017Fie is a bu\u017Fh \u017Fuppos\u2019d a Beare?"@en . _:b6549503 "(transitive) To form a mental image of something; to envision or create something in one's mind."@en . _:b6549506 "Now we are liberal with our innermost secrets, spraying them into the public ether with a generosity our forebears could not have imagined. Where we once sent love letters in a sealed envelope, or stuck photographs of our children in a family album, now such private material is despatched to servers and clouds operated by people we don't know and will never meet."@en . . _:b6549503 .