. _:vb6871189 "2012 March, Brian Hayes, \u201CPixels or Perish\u201D, in American Scientist\u200E[1], volume 100, number 2, archived from the original on 19 February 2013, page 106:"@en . _:vb6871187 "The Bible forbids the worship of graven images."@en . _:vb6871188 "1577, Raphaell Holinshed, \u201C[The Historie of Irelande\u00A0[\u2026].] The Thirde Booke of the Historie of Ireland, Comprising the Raigne of Henry the Eyght: [...].\u201D, in The Firste Volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande\u00A0[\u2026], volume I, London: [\u2026] [Henry Bynneman] for Iohn Hunne, \u2192OCLC, pages 77\u201378, column 2:"@en . _:vb6871189 "Drawings and pictures are more than mere ornaments in scientific discourse. Blackboard sketches, geological maps, diagrams of molecular structure, astronomical photographs, MRI images, the many varieties of statistical charts and graphs: These pictorial devices are indispensable tools for presenting evidence, for explaining a theory, for telling a story."@en . "1" . _:vb6871186 . _:vb6871187 . _:vb6871188 "The Citizens in their rage, imagining that euery po\u017Ft in the Churche had bin one of ye Souldyers, \u017Fhot habbe or nabbe at randon[sic\u00A0\u2013 meaning random] uppe to the Roode lofte, and to the Chancell, leauing \u017Fome of theyr arrowes \u017Fticking in the Images."@en . _:vb6871188 . _:vb6871189 . _:vb6871186 "An optical or other representation of a real object; a graphic; a picture."@en .