_:vb7014676 . _:vb7014677 . _:vb7014678 . _:vb7014678 "1877 March, Henry James, Jr., chapter XXII, in The American, Boston, Mass.: James R[ipley] Osgood and Company,\u00A0[\u2026], published 5 May 1877, \u2192OCLC, page 389:"@en . _:vb7014673 "(countable) Deep-seated and/or long-term animosity or ill will about something or someone, especially due to perceived mistreatment."@en . _:vb7014679 . _:vb7014676 "I haue an old grudge at him cole black curre,"@en . _:vb7014677 "He \u017Fhall haue two \u017Fteele bullets \u017Ftrongly charg\u2019d"@en . _:vb7014674 . _:vb7014675 . _:vb7014679 "It is towards Saduko that he bears a grudge, for you know, my father, one should never pull a drowning man out of the stream \u2014 which is what Saduko did, for had it not been for his treachery, Cetewayo would have sunk beneath the water of Death \u2014 especially if it is only to spite a woman who hates him."@en . "1" . _:vb7014679 "1913, H[enry] Rider Haggard, chapter XV, in Child of Storm\u200E[1]:"@en . _:vb7014673 . . _:vb7014674 "to have, hold, or bear a grudge against someone"@en . _:vb7014675 "Bag. And if I do not my good Lord damme me for it"@en . _:vb7014678 "I have never mentioned it to a human creature; I have kept my grudge to myself. I daresay I have been wicked, but my grudge has grown old with me."@en . _:vb7014675 "1607, Barnabe Barnes, THE DIVILS CHARTER: A TRAG\u00C6DIE Conteining the Life and Death of Pope Alexander the \u017Fixt, ACTVS. 5, SC\u00C6. 1:"@en . . . _:vb7014676 "1607, Barnabe Barnes, THE DIVILS CHARTER: A TRAG\u00C6DIE Conteining the Life and Death of Pope Alexander the \u017Fixt, ACTVS. 5, SC\u00C6. 1:"@en . . _:vb7014677 "1607, Barnabe Barnes, THE DIVILS CHARTER: A TRAG\u00C6DIE Conteining the Life and Death of Pope Alexander the \u017Fixt, ACTVS. 5, SC\u00C6. 1:"@en .