_:vb7025345 . _:vb7025344 "1599, William Shakespeare, As You Like It\u200Ehttp://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/views/plays/play_view.php?WorkID=asyoulikeit&Scope=entire&pleasewait=1&msg=pl, act IV, scene 3:"@en . "1" . _:vb7025345 "[\u2026] O thou wall,That girdlest in those wolves, dive in the earth,And fence not Athens."@en . . _:vb7025346 "Here are twenty acres of land, and it is all you can properly farm, unless you have more help than yourself. Now fence and cultivate it, and you can make an abundant living."@en . _:vb7025346 "1856, George A. Smith, The Saints Should Divest Themselves of Old Traditions:"@en . _:vb7025343 "(transitive) To enclose, contain or separate by building fence."@en . _:vb7025345 "1607, William Shakespeare, Timon of Athens\u200Ehttp://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/views/plays/play_view.php?WorkID=timonathens&Scope=entire&pleasewait=1&msg=pl, act IV, scene 1:"@en . _:vb7025344 "[\u2026] pray you, if you know,Where in the purlieus of this forest standsA sheep-cote fenc\u2019d about with olive trees?"@en . _:vb7025346 . _:vb7025343 . _:vb7025344 .