_:b6741109 "[...] I have pur\u017Fued you like your \u017Fhadow; I have be\u017Fieg'd your door for a glimp\u017Fe of your exit and entrance, like a di\u017Ftre\u017F\u017Fed creditor, who has no arms again\u017Ft privilege but per\u017Feverance."@en . _:b6741108 "1740, Samuel Shuckford, \u201CBook XI\u201D, in The Sacred and Prophane History of the World Connected,\u00A0[\u2026], 2nd edition, volume III, London: Printed for H. Knaplock, and J[acob] and R[ichard] Tonson, \u2192OCLC, page 139:"@en . _:b6741110 "The entrance of the river Dart into this bay, as well as its exit into the sea, appear from many situations closed up by the sinuosity of the banks, and give it the form of an inland lake, while the rocks on its sides, composed of glossy purple-coloured slate, have their summits fringed with various plants and shrubs."@en . _:b6741106 . . _:b6741110 "1834, Thomas Moule, W[illiam] Westall, illustrator, \u201CDevonshire. [Dartmouth Castle.]\u201D, in The Landscape Album; or, Great Britain Illustrated: [\u2026] Second Series, London: Charles Tilt,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, page 57:"@en . "1" . _:b6741109 "1762 (first performance), Samuel Foote, The Lyar. A Comedy in Three Acts.\u00A0[\u2026], London: Printed for G. Kearsly,\u00A0[\u2026], published 1764, \u2192OCLC, act I, scene ii, page 12:"@en . . _:b6741107 "He made his exit at the opportune time."@en . _:b6741111 "Mr. Ogilvie, surgeon, deposed that he, in company with Mr. Andrews, had examined the body of George Catt, and found upon him a gun-shot wound, which had entered the right cheek, passed through the mouth and lower part of the brain, making its exit at the posterior and lower part of the bone on the left side of the head."@en . . . . _:b6741106 "An act of going out or going away, or leaving; a departure."@en . _:b6741108 . _:b6741109 . _:b6741110 . _:b6741111 . . _:b6741108 "On the fir\u017Ft Day of the eleventh Month of the fortieth Year after the Exit from Egypt, Mo\u017Fes, after he had numbred the People in the Plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, and found that there was not left a Man of tho\u017Fe, whom he had almo\u017Ft forty Years before numbered in the Wilderne\u017Fs of Sinai, \u017Fave Caleb and Jo\u017Fhua, by the Command of God made a Covenant with the I\u017Fraelites in the Land of Moab, [...]"@en . _:b6741107 . . _:b6741111 "1838 June 10, \u201CInquests on the Rioters\u201D, in The Champion and Weekly Herald, volume 2, number 5 (New Series), London: Printed and published by Richard Cobbett,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, column 141:"@en .