_:vb7039639 . _:vb7039639 "1526, [William Tyndale, transl.], The Newe Testam\u1EBDt\u00A0[\u2026] (Tyndale Bible), [Worms, Germany: Peter Sch\u00F6ffer], \u2192OCLC, Matthew viij:[16], folio x, recto:"@en . _:vb7039639 "Wh\u1EBD the ev\u1EBD was come they b\uA75Bought vnto h\u0129 many that were po\u017F\u017Fe\u017F\u017Fed with devyll\uA76D\u00A0/ [\u2026]"@en . _:vb7039641 "And if any mans \u017Feede of copulation goe out from him, then hee \u017Fhall wa\u017Fh all his fle\u017Fh in water, and bee vncleane vntill the Euen."@en . _:vb7039640 "When \u017Fparkling \u017Ftars twire not thou guil'\u017Ft th' eauen."@en . "1" . . _:vb7039641 "1611, The Holy Bible,\u00A0[\u2026] (King James Version), London: [\u2026] Robert Barker,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, Leviticus 15:16, signature L2, verso, column 2:"@en . _:vb7039637 "(archaic, or, poetic) Evening."@en . _:vb7039640 . _:vb7039641 . _:vb7039640 "1609, William Shakespeare, \u201CSonnet 28\u201D, in Shake-speares Sonnets.\u00A0[\u2026], London: By G[eorge] Eld for T[homas] T[horpe] and are to be sold by William Aspley, \u2192OCLC, signature C2, verso:"@en . _:vb7039638 "We'll meet at even, when the sun is set."@en . . . _:vb7039637 . _:vb7039638 .