_:vb6867168 . . _:vb6867166 "2009, Stuart Macintyre, A Concise History of Australia, page 125:"@en . _:vb6867168 "2023 May 8, Jonathan Head, \u201CThailand election: The young radicals shaking up politics\u201D, in BBC News (World)\u200E[1]:"@en . "1" . . _:vb6867167 "Perhaps lessons had already been learned from the Draconian infrastructure cuts on the Waterloo-Exeter route."@en . . _:vb6867165 "The mayor announced draconian budget cuts today."@en . _:vb6867164 . _:vb6867168 "And that movement, while it was eventually crushed through the extensive use of the draconian lese majeste law, shattered the taboo, by calling openly, for the first time, for the powers and financing of the monarchy to be accountable."@en . _:vb6867165 . _:vb6867166 . . _:vb6867167 . _:vb6867163 "Very severe, cruel, or harsh."@en . . _:vb6867163 . _:vb6867166 "The conflict in the countryside resulted in a far more draconian punishment. The Southern Cross flag flew over the camps of striking shearers, who in revenge for their victimisation burned grass, fences, buildings and even riverboats [\u2026]"@en . . _:vb6867164 "The Soviet regime was draconian."@en . _:vb6867167 "2020 April 8, Howard Johnston, \u201CEast-ended? When the ECML was at risk\u201D, in Rail, page 65:"@en .