_:vb6815511 "Tuc[ca]. [\u2026] Can thy Author doe it impudently enough? / Hi\u017Ft[rio]. O, I warrant you, Captaine: and \u017Fpitefully inough too; he ha's one of the mo\u017Ft ouerflowing villanous wits, in Rome. He will \u017Flander any man that breathes; If he di\u017Fgu\u017Ft him. / Tucca. I'le know the poor, egregious, nitty Ra\u017Fcall; and he haue \u017Fuch commendable Qualities, I'le cheri\u017Fh him: [\u2026]"@en . _:vb6815512 "Mud This is a very specious piece of business; and above my implication\u2014Dear me\u2014dear me\u2014what a thing it is, that one never can disgust one\u2019s meals in peace\u2014but one must be torn piecemeal with defamations\u2014convocations\u2014and other informalities\u2014If I\u2019d any of the fees and requisites of office for my pains\u2014it would be a different thing\u2014but every body knows I\u2019m an ignoramous, and commit justice gratis\u2014I must disperse the complaint."@en . _:vb6815509 . _:vb6815513 "It is impossible to convey, in words, any idea of the hideous phantasmagoria of shifting limbs and faces which moved through the evil-smelling twilight of this terrible prison-house. Callot might have drawn it, Dante might have suggested it, but a minute attempt to describe its horrors would but disgust."@en . _:vb6815510 . _:vb6815511 . _:vb6815511 "1601, Ben Jonson, Poetaster or The Arraignment:\u00A0[\u2026], London: [\u2026] [R. Bradock] for M[atthew] L[ownes]\u00A0[\u2026], published 1602, \u2192OCLC, Act III:"@en . _:vb6815512 . _:vb6815513 . _:vb6815513 "1874, Marcus Clarke, For the Term of His Natural Life Chapter V"@en . _:vb6815512 "1819, William Thomas Moncrieff, Rochester; or, King Charles the Second\u2019s Merry Days: A Burletta, in Three Acts.\u00A0[\u2026], London: Printed for John Lowndes,\u00A0[\u2026], page 24:"@en . . _:vb6815509 "To cause an intense dislike for something."@en . "1" . _:vb6815510 "It disgusts me to see her chew with her mouth open."@en .