_:vb7171653 "With the help of a sleepy waiter, Little Billee got the bacchanalian into his room and lit his candle for him, and, disengaging himself from his maudlin embraces, left him to wallow in solitude."@en . . _:vb7171655 "1982 August, Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything (The Hitchhiker\u2019s Guide to the Galaxy; 3), London: Pan Books, \u2192ISBN, page 15:"@en . _:vb7171657 "2015 February 14, Stephen Marche, \u201CThe Epidemic of Facelessness\u201D, in The New York Times\u200E[1], \u2192ISSN:"@en . _:vb7171651 "(ambitransitive) To release or loosen from something that binds, entangles, holds, or interlocks."@en . _:vb7171652 "1749, [John Cleland], \u201C[Letter the First]\u201D, in Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure [Fanny Hill], volume I, London: [\u2026] [Thomas Parker] for G. Fenton [i.e., Fenton and Ralph Griffiths]\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, pages 213\u2013214:"@en . _:vb7171654 "1959 December, \u201CDiesel multiple-units on the St. Pancras-Bedford service\u201D, in Trains Illustrated, page 588:"@en . _:vb7171652 . . _:vb7171653 "1894, George du Maurier, \u201CPart Third\u201D, in Trilby: A Novel, New York, N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, \u2192OCLC, page 165:"@en . _:vb7171653 . _:vb7171654 . _:vb7171654 "The eight-cylinder Rolls-Royce diesel engines drive through \"Twin Disc\" torque converters up to a speed of some 46 m.p.h., when the drive automatically changes to direct coupling and the torque converter is disengaged."@en . _:vb7171655 . _:vb7171657 "The more established wisdom about trolls, at this point, is to disengage."@en . . _:vb7171652 "Di\u017Fingaging my\u017Felf then from his embrace, I made him \u017Fen\u017Fible of the rea\u017Fons there were for his pre\u017Fent leaving me; on which, tho' reluctantly, he put on his cloaths with as little expedition, however, as he could help, wantonly interrupting him\u017Felf between whiles, with ki\u017F\u017Fes, touches, and embraces, I could not refu\u017Fe my\u017Felf to; [...]"@en . _:vb7171656 "2005 January 10, David E. Sanger, Eric Schmitt, \u201CHot Topic: How U.S. Might Disengage in Iraq\u201D, in The New York Times\u200E[1], \u2192ISSN:"@en . "1" . . _:vb7171655 "Ford still had his hand stuck out. Arthur looked at it with incomprehension.\u00B6 \"Shake,\" prompted Ford.\u00B6 Arthur did, nervously at first, as if it might turn out to be a fish. Then he grasped it vigorously with both hands in an overwhelming flood of relief. He shook it and shook it.\u00B6 After a while Ford found it necessary to disengage."@en . _:vb7171651 . . _:vb7171656 . _:vb7171657 . _:vb7171656 "Three weeks before the election in Iraq, conversation has started bubbling up in Congress, in the Pentagon and some days even in the White House about when and how American forces might begin to disengage in Iraq."@en .