_:vb7057220 . _:vb7057221 . _:vb7057222 . _:vb7057223 . . _:vb7057220 "1784, Voltaire, \u201CMemoirs of Voltaire. Written by Himself. Part the Third\u201D, in Memoirs of the Life of Voltaire. Written by Himself. Translated from the French, Dublin: Printed for Messrs. Moncrieffe, Walker, Exshaw, Wilson, Jenkin, Burton, White, Byrne, Marchbank, Cash, and Heery, \u2192OCLC, page 176:"@en . _:vb7057218 . _:vb7057219 . _:vb7057219 "[1784?], [John] O'Keeffe, Songs, Duets, and Chorusses, in the New Musical Farce of Peeping Tom of Coventry. As Performed at the Theatre Royal, [London?]: [s.n.], \u2192OCLC, page 4:"@en . _:vb7057221 "1810, Walter Scott, \u201CCanto III. The Gathering.\u201D, in The Lady of the Lake;\u00A0[\u2026], Edinburgh: [\u2026] [James Ballantyne and Co.] for John Ballantyne and Co.; London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, and William Miller, \u2192OCLC, stanza II, page 99:"@en . _:vb7057223 "2014 June 26, A. A Dowd, \u201CPaul Rudd and Amy Poehler spoof rom-com clich\u00E9s in They Came Together\u201D, in The A.V. Club\u200E[1], archived from the original on 27 November 2017:"@en . _:vb7057220 "But oh! \u017Fhall I, Misfortune's bondman, \u017Fpeak / Of plea\u017Fures and delights, where \u017Forrows \u017Fhriek! / Can plaintive nightingale, or turte-dove, / When vultures tear them, \u017Fing or coo of love?"@en . _:vb7057219 "DUET\u2014MAYOR and MAUD. [\u2026] Like a Dove I'll coo and bill, pretty Maud, / I will not coo and bill, Mr. Mayor."@en . _:vb7057218 "No birds, except as birds of pa\u017F\u017Fage, flew, / No bee was known to hum, no dove to coo."@en . _:vb7057221 "The black-bird and the speckled thrush / Good-morrow gave from brake and brush; / In answer cooed the cushat dove, / Her notes of peace, and rest, and love."@en . _:vb7057222 "Then did her soft breath stop and she lay still, her eyes yet open and smiling at the blossoms and the doves who sat upon the window-ledge and lowly cooed and cooed."@en . _:vb7057218 "1763, C[harles] Churchill, The Prophecy of Famine. A Scots Pastoral, 2nd edition, London: Printed for the author, and sold by G. Kearsly, in Ludgate-street, \u2192OCLC, page 15:"@en . "1" . _:vb7057217 "(ambitransitive) To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon."@en . _:vb7057217 . _:vb7057222 "1896, Frances Hodgson Burnett, \u201CThe Doves Sat upon the Window-ledge and Lowly Cooed and Cooed\u201D, in A Lady of Quality: Being a Most Curious, hitherto Unknown History, as Related by Mr. Isaac Bickerstaff but Not Presented to the World of Fashion through the Pages of The Tatler, and Now for the First Time Written Down, New York, N.Y.: Charles Scribner's Sons, \u2192OCLC, page 360:"@en . _:vb7057223 "As Norah Jones coos sweet nothings on the soundtrack, the happy couple\u2014played by Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler\u2014canoodle through a Manhattan montage, making pasta for two, swimming through a pile of autumn leaves, and horsing around at a fruit stand."@en .