"1" . _:b6304332 . _:b6304331 "The act of joining, or condition of being joined."@en . _:b6304333 . _:b17652858 "[\u2026] Dr. Minchin in return was quite sure that man was not a mere machine or a fortuitous conjunction of atoms; [\u2026]"@en . _:b17652864 . _:b17652859 "1896, Robert Louis Stevenson, Familiar Studies of Men and Books\u200E[1]:"@en . . _:b17652861 "[\u2026] Dr. Minchin in return was quite sure that man was not a mere machine or a fortuitous conjunction of atoms; [\u2026]"@en . _:b17652860 . _:b17652865 "The act of joining, or condition of being joined."@en . _:b17652862 . _:b17652863 . _:b17652862 "About them all there is that sort of stiff quaint unreality, that conjunction of the grotesque, and even of a certain bourgeois snugness, with passionate contortion and horror, that is so characteristic of Gothic art."@en . _:b17652863 "1871\u20131872, George Eliot [pseudonym; Mary Ann Evans], chapter XVIII, in Middlemarch\u00A0[\u2026], Edinburgh, London: William Blackwood and Sons, \u2192OCLC, book I:"@en . _:b17652861 . _:b17652858 . _:b17652859 . _:b17652865 . _:b17652866 . _:b17652863 "[\u2026] Dr. Minchin in return was quite sure that man was not a mere machine or a fortuitous conjunction of atoms; [\u2026]"@en . _:b17652862 "1896, Robert Louis Stevenson, Familiar Studies of Men and Books\u200E[1]:"@en . _:b17652861 "1871\u20131872, George Eliot [pseudonym; Mary Ann Evans], chapter XVIII, in Middlemarch\u00A0[\u2026], Edinburgh, London: William Blackwood and Sons, \u2192OCLC, book I:"@en . _:b17652866 "The act of joining, or condition of being joined."@en . _:b17652864 "About them all there is that sort of stiff quaint unreality, that conjunction of the grotesque, and even of a certain bourgeois snugness, with passionate contortion and horror, that is so characteristic of Gothic art."@en . _:b6304332 "[\u2026] Dr. Minchin in return was quite sure that man was not a mere machine or a fortuitous conjunction of atoms; [\u2026]"@en . _:b17652858 "1871\u20131872, George Eliot [pseudonym; Mary Ann Evans], chapter XVIII, in Middlemarch\u00A0[\u2026], Edinburgh, London: William Blackwood and Sons, \u2192OCLC, book I:"@en . _:b6304332 "1871\u20131872, George Eliot [pseudonym; Mary Ann Evans], chapter XVIII, in Middlemarch\u00A0[\u2026], Edinburgh, London: William Blackwood and Sons, \u2192OCLC, book I:"@en . _:b17652864 "1896, Robert Louis Stevenson, Familiar Studies of Men and Books\u200E[1]:"@en . . _:b17652860 "The act of joining, or condition of being joined."@en . _:b6304333 "1896, Robert Louis Stevenson, Familiar Studies of Men and Books\u200E[1]:"@en . . _:b6304331 . _:b6304333 "About them all there is that sort of stiff quaint unreality, that conjunction of the grotesque, and even of a certain bourgeois snugness, with passionate contortion and horror, that is so characteristic of Gothic art."@en . _:b17652859 "About them all there is that sort of stiff quaint unreality, that conjunction of the grotesque, and even of a certain bourgeois snugness, with passionate contortion and horror, that is so characteristic of Gothic art."@en .