. _:vb6775118 . _:vb6775123 "She opened the book to page 37 and began to read aloud."@en . "1" . _:vb6775121 "1983, Steve Horelick et al., Reading Rainbow:"@en . _:vb6775120 "I repeat: it suffices that a book be possible for it to exist. Only the impossible is excluded. For example: no book can be a ladder, although no doubt there are books which discuss and negate and demonstrate this possibility and others whose structure corresponds to that of a ladder."@en . _:vb6775119 "Knowing I lou'd my bookes, he furni\u017Fhd me / From mine owne Library, with volumes, that / I prize aboue my Dukedome."@en . _:vb6775120 . _:vb6775121 . _:vb6775122 . _:vb6775122 "Trefusis's quarters could be described in one word. Books. Books and books and books. And then, just when an observer might be lured into thinking that that must be it, more books... Trefusis himself was highly dismissive of them. \u2018Waste of trees,\u2019 he had once said. \u2018Stupid, ugly, clumsy, heavy things. The sooner technology comes up with a reliable alternative the better... The world is so fond of saying that books should be \u201Ctreated with respect\u201D. But when are we told that words should be treated with respect?\u2019"@en . _:vb6775119 "1610\u20131611 (date written), William Shakespeare, \u201CThe Tempest\u201D, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies\u00A0[\u2026] (First Folio), London: [\u2026] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, \u2192OCLC, [Act I, scene ii], page 3, column 1:"@en . _:vb6775123 . _:vb6775124 . _:vb6775120 "1962, Luis Borges, translated by James East Irby, The Library of Babel:"@en . _:vb6775124 "He was frustrated because he couldn't find anything about dinosaurs in the book."@en . _:vb6775118 "A collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge, containing printed or written material, pictures, etc."@en . _:vb6775121 "I can be anything.Take a look!It's in a book:A reading rainbow."@en . _:vb6775122 "1991, Stephen Fry, The Liar, page 51:"@en . _:vb6775119 .