_:vb7863262 "Wherby it becomes the puffer vp to pride in the recluse, and the direction to disdaine, by dreaming still of bettership: [\u2026]"@en . _:vb7863260 "betterment; improvement"@en . _:vb7863262 "1888, Richard Mulcaster, Robert Hebert Quick, Positions - Page 186:"@en . _:vb7863260 . . _:vb7863261 "1818, Sherwin's Political Register - Volume 3 - Page 395:"@en . . _:vb7863261 "[\u2026] to all kinds of labour and servitude, where after experiencing degradation, contempt, and stinted allowance of food, which the unnatural spirit of aristocratic bettership engenders, they often exchange a bad state for a worse, from oppression to prostitution, [\u2026]"@en . _:vb7863261 . _:vb7863262 . _:vb7863263 . "1" . _:vb7863263 "1922, The Friend, volume 95, page 591:"@en . _:vb7863263 "Time properly brings changes, but to those of us who have shared the spiritual responsibilities of such a Committee, its experiences have contributed conspicuously of bettership in our lives."@en .