_:vb6833705 "The Mu\u017Fes bacely begge, or bibbe, or both, and mu\u017Ft, for vvhy? / They finde as bad Be\u017Ftoe as is their Portage beggerly: / Yea novv by melancholie vvalkes and thred-bare coates vve ge\u017F\u017Fe / At Clyents and at Poetes: none vvorke more and profit le\u017F\u017Fe, [\u2026]"@en . _:vb6833704 . _:vb6833704 "(obsolete, rare) An act of presenting a thing to someone or something, especially as a gift or an honour; a bestowal."@en . _:vb6833705 . _:vb6833705 "1602, William Warner, \u201CThe Fifth Booke. Chapter XXVII.\u201D, in Albions England. A Continued Historie of the Same Kingdome, from the Originals of the First Inhabitants thereof:\u00A0[\u2026], 5th edition, London: [\u2026] Edm[und] Bollifant for George Potter,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, page 134:"@en . . . . "1" .