. _:vb7562718 . _:vb7562715 "[\u2026] very deep and large wounds are many times soon healed of themselves; i. e. meerly by the goodness of Nature it self, which being vigorous, and of our own provision furnished with convenient means, wholesom and assimilable Blood, doth every moment freshly apply it to the part that hath suffered solution of Continuity, and thereby redintegrate the same:"@en . _:vb7562716 "1917, Rabindranath Tagore, \u201CMy School\u201D, in Personality: Lectures Delivered in America\u200E[1], London: Macmillan, page 141:"@en . _:vb7562716 . _:vb7562717 . _:vb7562718 "2002 June 8, Anne Karpf, \u201CWe\u2019ve been here before\u201D, in The Guardian:"@en . _:vb7562715 . _:vb7562716 "He was not like other teachers, a mere vehicle of text-books. He made his teaching personal, he himself was the source of it, and therefore it was made of life stuff, easily assimilable by the living human nature."@en . . . _:vb7562715 "1654, Walter Charleton, Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charltoniana, or, A Fabrick of Science Natural, London: Thomas Heath, Book\u00A03, Chapter\u00A015, Section\u00A03, p.\u00A0381,[1]"@en . "1" . _:vb7562718 "British postwar immigration policy deliberately excluded Jews (and non-white immigrants) because it didn\u2019t consider them assimilable."@en . . _:vb7562717 "Sometimes there are such bizarre experiences that the dream seems not at all assimilable to anything that happened in the remembered life, but may have some deeper meaning that we don\u2019t know, as Freud conjectured."@en . _:vb7562714 "Capable of being assimilated; susceptible to assimilation."@en . _:vb7562717 "1977, Karl Popper, John Eccles, The Self and Its Brain\u200E[1], London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, published 1983, Part 2, Chapter E7, p. 371:"@en . _:vb7562714 .