_:vb6915970 . _:vb6915973 "Pi, upset, roars, \"Quit arsing around there and get cracking,\" and a dozen heads turn their way."@en . _:vb6915974 "He was half-expecting a call from the lingua, telling him to stop arsing around, but his com stayed silent, so it looked like a certain amount of arsing around was allowed."@en . _:vb6915972 . _:vb6915974 "2011, Jaine Fenn, Bringer of Light, unnumbered page:"@en . _:vb6915970 "(Commonwealth, slang, intransitive) To be silly, act stupid or mess around."@en . _:vb6915973 . _:vb6915974 . _:vb6915971 "Stop arsing around!"@en . _:vb6915973 "2005, Keri Hulme, The Bone People, page 291:"@en . _:vb6915971 . _:vb6915972 "1985, Sam McAughtry, McAughtry's War, page 10:"@en . "1" . . _:vb6915972 "He was university material, just arsing about as a rigger, arsing about, killing time with bohunks like me [\u2026] ."@en .