_:vb3033396 . _:vb3033397 . . _:vb3033395 . "1" . _:vb3033397 "Ho detto a Gianna che gli telefono domani."@it . _:vb3033396 "[\u2026] ne prima altro fece, che ella s\u2019ingegn\u00F2 di veder Beltramo, & appre\u017F\u017Fo nel co\u017Fpetto del Re venuta di gratia chie\u017Fe, che la \u017Fua infermita gli mo\u017Ftra\u017F\u017Fe."@it . _:vb3033396 "Before aught else she studied to see Bertrand and next, presenting herself before the king, she prayed him of his favour/favor to show her his ailment."@en . _:vb3033397 "I told Gianna I'd call her tomorrow."@en . . _:vb3033395 "(dative, informal) her, to her"@en . _:vb3033396 "ca. 1349-1353, Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron, Tommaso Edlin (1725), page 98:"@it .