. _:vb7898318 . _:vb7898319 "And because provocative imagery is sometimes faked, a few people I interviewed in Israel and the United States claimed that it must have been faked in the al-Dura case. The boy could not possibly have been shot! The whole thing was staged by the \u201CPallywood\u201D propaganda film industry."@en . _:vb7898318 "(politics, derogatory) Alleged or real manipulation or distortion of the media by Palestinian sources to promote a pro-Palestinian point of view; Palestinian propaganda."@en . _:vb7898320 "A pro-Palestinian website painted the Tamimi mother and daughter as \u201Cdetermined lionesses\u201D; Israeli ones as manipulative \u201CPallywood\u201D frauds playing for the cameras."@en . _:vb7898319 . _:vb7898320 "2015 September 1, Peter Beaumont, \u201CNabi Saleh images illustrate changing asymmetry of Israeli-Palestinian conflict\u201D, in The Guardian\u200E[1], \u2192ISSN:"@en . "1" . . _:vb7898319 "2014 July 31, James Fallows, \u201COn David Frum, The New York Times, and the Non-Faked 'Fake' Gaza Photos\u201D, in The Atlantic\u200E[1]:"@en . _:vb7898320 .