_:vb6993615 . _:vb6993616 "1611, The Holy Bible,\u00A0[\u2026] (King James Version), London: [\u2026] Robert Barker,\u00A0[\u2026], \u2192OCLC, Genesis 35:22b-26:"@en . "1" . _:vb6993616 "Now the sons of Jacob were twelve: 23 The sons of Leah; Reuben, Jacob's firstborn, and Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and Zebulun: 24 The sons of Rachel; Joseph, and Benjamin: 25 And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid; Dan, and Naphtali: 26 And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid; Gad, and Asher: these are the sons of Jacob, which were born to him in Padan-aram."@en . . _:vb6993616 . _:vb6993615 "(biblical character) The fourth son of Jacob, by his wife Leah; the father of Perez."@en .