_:b6361753 "1695, Jeremy Collier, \u201CA Thought\u201D, in Miscellanies upon Moral Subjects by Jeremy Collier\u200E[1], page 88:"@en . _:b6361752 "1692, Robert South, \u201CDiscourse I. The creation of man in God\u2019s image\u201D, in Discourses on Various Subjects and Occasions\u200Ehttps://books.google.com/?id=-BIwAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1, published 1827, page 1:"@en . _:b6361751 . _:b6361752 "To run the world back to its first original and infancy, and, as it were, to view nature in its cradle,"@en . _:b6361752 . _:b6361753 . "19" . _:b6361753 "Methinks, if it might be, I would gladly understand the Formation of a Soul, run it up to its Punctum Saliens, and see it beat the first conscious Pulse."@en . _:b6361751 "To pursue in thought; to carry in contemplation."@en . .