. _:vb6815480 "(slang, metaphor, sci-fi) ; a controlled environment or situation in which people behave in ways that conform to pre-determined roles."@en . _:vb6815482 "2023 October 28, Jemima Kelly, \u201CBack to school\u201D, in FT Weekend, Life & Arts, page 20:"@en . _:vb6815482 "Mari Otsu, a 25-year-old Japanese-Hawaiian artist, tells me she was \u201Cdesperately lonely\u201D while she was studying at New York University, when she \u201Crealised that [she][sic] was in the matrix\u201D. I ask her what she means."@en . "11" . _:vb6815481 "1984, William Gibson, Neuromancer (Sprawl; book 1), New York, N.Y.: Ace Books, \u2192ISBN, page 5:"@en . _:vb6815482 . _:vb6815481 . _:vb6815480 . _:vb6815481 "He'd operated on an almost permanent adrenaline high, a byproduct of youth and proficiency, jacked into a custom cyberspace deck that projected his disembodied consciousness into the consensual hallucination that was the matrix."@en .