_:vb6871882 "(intransitive) To change one's direction of travel."@en . . _:vb6871884 "I had occasion [\u2026] to make a somewhat long business trip to Chicago, and on my return [\u2026] I found Farrar awaiting me in the railroad station. He smiled his wonted fraction by way of greeting, [\u2026], and finally leading me to his buggy, turned and drove out of town."@en . _:vb6871885 "I stumbled along through the young pines and huckleberry bushes. Pretty soon I struck into a sort of path that, I cal'lated, might lead to the road I was hunting for. It twisted and turned, and, the first thing I knew, made a sudden bend around a bunch of bayberry scrub and opened out into a big clear space like a lawn."@en . _:vb6871883 . _:vb6871884 . "1.3" . _:vb6871885 . _:vb6871885 "1913, Joseph C[rosby] Lincoln, chapter I, in Mr. Pratt\u2019s Patients, New York, N.Y., London: D[aniel] Appleton and Company, \u2192OCLC:"@en . _:vb6871882 . _:vb6871883 "She turned right at the corner."@en . _:vb6871884 "1897 December (indicated as 1898), Winston Churchill, chapter II, in The Celebrity: An Episode, New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., \u2192OCLC, page 12:"@en .