_:vb7049018 "A technical word, such as hyperkalemia or hypoallergenic, can be glossed for general audiences with a circumlocution, such as \"high potassium level\" or \"less likely to cause allergies\" (respectively)."@en . _:vb7049016 "1997, Hansj\u00F6rg Bittner, The Metrical Structure of Free Verse (PhD Thesis)\u200E[1], retrieved 2021-04-21:"@en . . _:vb7049017 "Linguistic horror vacui again, and lacuna: the blank part of a manuscript where the ink runs off the papyrus, and lexically the word missing from one language that must be bridged with circumlocution in translation."@en . _:vb7049015 "(uncountable) Necessary use of a phrase to circumvent either a vocabulary fault (of speaker or listener) or a lexical gap, either monolingually or in translation."@en . "1.2" . _:vb7049015 . _:vb7049016 "It may seem quite straightforward to render line 15 metrically regular by means of a grammatical trick: \"the style as bright as soul\". However, the stylistic feature of the adjectival compound does not occur in isolation but is employed again in the following line, \"dem Staubfaden himmelsw\u00FCst\", where a grammatical circumlocution in translation would be metrically disadvantageous. Both compounds, \"seelenhell\" as well as \"himmelsw\u00FCst\", should therefore be translated as compounds. When Michael Hamburger remarks that German \"lends itself to the formation of compound words in a way that English does not\" (in Celan 1988: 24), he probably refers to nouns such as \"T\u00FCrspalt\" or \"Algenteilchen\"."@en . _:vb7049016 . _:vb7049017 . _:vb7049018 . _:vb7049017 "2010, Rebecca A. Giggs, The Rise of the Edge: New Thresholds of the Ecological Uncanny, and Inside Albatrosses (Fictions for Strange Weather) (PhD Thesis)\u200E[1], retrieved 2021-04-21:"@en .