| - Xenophon, it is true, ſays, word for word, in his account of the battle of Mantinea, that "Epaminondas formed an embolon of infantry, which which he advanced to ſhock the enemy, as one galley does another with its beak." […] In this paſſage, I cannot think the word embolon means any more than a vast ſquadron of great depth; and what ſhould hinder our underſtanding it, when ſpoken of infantry, in the ſame ſenſe? (en)
Bibliographic Citation
| - 1781 November, “A System of Tactics, practical, theoretical and historical. Translated from the French of M. Joly de Maizeroy, by Thomas Mante, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo. 13s. boards. Cadell.”, in The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature, volume 52, London: Printed for A. Hamilton, in Falcon-Court, Fleet-Street, pages 376–377: (en)